Fed Up With Downsides of Social Media?

Open To an Interest-Driven Social Media App for you?

Do You Want To Join The Next-Gen, Safe Social Media?

Click below and be a Founder Member of Shimmy

Join our waiting list and get first access to the Shimmy app when it's live...

As a valued Founder Member, we will also give you exclusive offers that no-one else will get (Don't worry, it's free!).

Safe, ethical, purposeful Social Media

  • 1
    Are you fed up with the way your personal data is used for their own profit?
  • 2
    Are you concerned with their lack of security, unwanted exposure and your data in the hands of questionable organisations?
  • 3
    Have you been longing for a safer, more interest and network-based social media platform, built for you? 

Join The Shimmy Waiting List

  • 1
    Shimmy V1 will be launched soon...
  • 2
    Shimmy is the new, safe, purposeful social media, built & managed by you in line with your network & interests...
  • 3
    Join our waiting list and we will keep in touch with you about what you can expect from Shimmy and when you can get access...
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