Product, Shimmy, social media

Social Beyond The Superficial

While entertainment has its place, a nagging question lingers with us at Shimmy: Is there more to social media than the fleeting dopamine rush of a like or a funny meme? Is there more to social than the superficial?

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Why Shimmy presents the future of UGC  

User-generated-content. In a first-principles sense, is simply brand-related content ideated, produced and published by your typical end-user. It symbolises both alignment between user creativity and relative brands, also the shift towards authentic content of value that is relatable. By design, Shimmy is a native UGC content platform through privacy and exposure controls and more bespoke user-capabilities, along with the interest-based, subject-driven and community led nature of in-app content creation. Here's why:

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Getting the most out of Shimmy

As an innovative, powerfully differential social tool, Shimmies can be created for a plethora of use cases. From a family’s safe, private content to a multi-national brands’ marketing initiative, to a sports team’s updates, or a way to store your favourite quotes… It’s the beauty of Shimmy as a social platform; It’s what separates us. Having said this, there are absolutely themes, or desirable forms of utility, which we have had in the forefront of our minds when designing and building the platform… 

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Scrolling into the future with Shimmy

Gazing into the crystal ball of social media's future, we see a landscape evolving at a lightning pace, with ‘Shimmies’ at the forefront of the positive change unfolding. Making our world a better place, Shimmy by Shimmy… 

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Being a Learning Organisation…

A significant operating principle that we have valued at Shimmy, in the whirlwind of the ever-evolving technology landscape, is that it is undeniably crucial to embrace the Learning Organisation (LO) mindset. You simply must adapt, pivot, and continually innovate to survive and grow. 

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A Brighter Landscape for Social Media

The world of social media, once a breakthrough beacon of connection and information, has gradually morphed into a breeding ground for negativity, addiction, and misinformation. The pervasiveness of social media has blurred the lines between reality and perception, fuelling anxiety, depression, and a distorted sense of self-worth.

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Product, Shimmy, social media, Update/ News

Thriving in the ‘Attention Economy’

"In the relentless market of attention, thriving means mastering focus, turning distractions into stepping stones, and emerging not just unscathed, but enriched."

Shimmy, as an innovative social tool, enables attention to be pointed in more purposeful directions. It evades the 'attention at all costs', clickbait, self-gratification and virtue signalling we have grown so used to, in favour of rewarding attention, respecting data privacy, creating valuable, transparent, positive impact.

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Brand, Shimmy

The Story of Shimmy

The process throughout the early life of Shimmy, was very much a trial and error, learn as you go, skin-thickening endeavour. Through attempts to outsource the build, form partnerships, find funding. Came valuable lessons, difficult questions, and pivoting to find the right route forwards... 

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Product, Shimmy

Shimmy to the Rescue!

The social media market faces criticism for a range of issues, including concerns around privacy and data protection, the spread of misinformation and disinformation, the amplification of hate speech and harmful content, and the impact of social media on mental health and well-being. There are also concerns around the power and influence of social media companies and their role in shaping public discourse and political outcomes. In addition, there are ongoing debates around issues such as content moderation, censorship, and the balance between free speech and platform responsibility. This accumulates into a big opportunity for Shimmy, in our endeavours to bring light to such hardships we've collectively faced through the early years in this industry... 

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