Create a Buzz... Start a Shimmy! 

The safe, positive-impact social platform for you and your interests...

inspiring social

We are all about moving communities forwards...

The platform to inspire, not influence. Enabling you to do more with your group social feeds... 

Achieving and conquering with your social feeds! 

Giving communities their unique space for impact and storytelling via photo and video!

impact social
community feeds

Family-friendly, interest-driven social!

Customisable content streams and topics aligned with your interests. A space to re-invent your social usage. 

Time to be free and

shake things up... 

We can do so much more with our content and output. It's time for purposeful content and positive change!

purposeful, interest-based

Let's Get Moving!

For the go-getters and ground-breakers to make stuff happen, take action and do good. Let's do this!

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